In case of Dawn emergency |

Break Glass |
Current Official White House Dawn alert level:
Dawn is currently not a threat.....but she's just waiting for her moment
Dawn is the annoying "sister" of the most prominent character of Vampire Based Programming (VBP for short.
Stuff like Buffy, Angel, Survivor: Transylvania, Everybody Loves Dracula, 60 Minutes; etc.). She's a ratings
stunt gone horribly wrong, a programming exec's nightmare, and television's truest representation of a teenage sister to date.
She's bad news, and must be stopped at all costs.
TV on DVD recently reported that the third season of The Adventures of Pete & Pete dvd release has been cancelled,
and that the entire fate of the Nick Rewind dvd series is in jeopardy!
So who's to blame? Changes at Nickelodeon or Viacom? We at MHOP know the truth! The blame is squarely
on one Nona Mecklenberg aka Michelle Trachtenberg!
Dawn is striking from beyond the grave, people. Only more proof the message needs to be heard!
(News added to Dawn's Murder Count)
President: Mickey T. Gardener
Vice President: Carmelita9000
Treasurer: Tork_110
Sargeant at Arms: Pharaoh Mobius
General: KingBoodozer
Director of Craft Services: Cavewoman
Advertising Diva: A_Judas_Rimmer
Janitor: Grandmapa
Dawn's Murder Count!
Tracking the casulties left in Dawn's wake!
Miss Kitty Fantastico
Six Feet Under
Adventures of Pete & Pete 3rd season dvd
Birthday wishes for Dawn from the MHOP 2 Forum!
On Oct. 11, 2004, three members of MHOP2's forum were "kind" enough to send out birthday wishes to Dawn......
MickeyTGardener: I wish she'd fall off a bridge and onto a garbage boat.
Rimmi: I wish Dawn would win a chance to be shot up into space and into the sun.
BOG: I still wish that Dawn would see the video tape from "The Ring"
Is it a nipple? An embarrassingly high bug bite? The results of an unfortunate run in with a cattle prod????
See the horrifying truth here!!!
Due to the graphic nature of these photos......MHOP is not liable for mental anguish or physical injuries due to fainting.
The Top 5 COUNTDAWN!!!!!
Dawn's top 5 VBP Moments!
1. Willow goes all evil and bitchy and goth-ugly, and threatens to turn Dawn back to pure energy. Being the
evil bitch she is, she allows Dawn to live.
2. Buffy dreams of smothering Dawn with a pillow. Don't we all? (Now, imagine the smothering pillow
as leaving VBP and Dawn as Sarah Michelle Gellar's career......)
3. Psycho Buffy attacks Dawn. A heartwarming family scene if there ever was one.
4. Angelus calls Dawn, hangs up on her (Made even better by Dawn not being there). I bet he even called collect
too. He does evil proud.
5. Dawn lays down on the railroad tracks. Unfortunatly, much like with coins, although it's cool, it's illeagel
to put crap like that on the tracks.
Dis-Dawnorable Mention. Eurotrip bombs. Ha! Dawn can't even beat some stupid CGI dog and his pothead
In a recent poll conducted by MHOP, we asked:
Who is a bigger threat to America?
Adolf Hitler
Genghis Kahn
Dawn Summers
With an amazing 100% of the vote, it's clear that American citizens are most concerned that Dawn Summers continues to
walk the Earth. Granted, the other two guys are dead, but rest assured, this is further proof that if Osama Bin Laden
was included in the poll, that Dawn still would've been the winner.
May God have mercy on us all.