when I see Samurai88 going about his business, <What? With those thunderous thighs?>
posting articles and getting replies, answering
questions, and generally being helpful. <And don't forget the dramatic way he squeals
and squeaks about his mental instabilities and
physical problems to us, hoping to gain sympathy.
You unimaginative, imbecilic, simple minded
"Blah Samurai." Now go have a fit or
something, you twisted jackassurai.
Samurai: you pathetically whining, and
sniveling bloated fool. Have you always
acted this way? Were you like this even
as a child? Did you get beat up a lot?
Hmm...I bet you did!
That dude couldn't stop pleading for
attention, any more than a hog can stop
rolling in the shite. This board IS his life.
Get it? His only life. These slimey new
tactics to ingrate himself with the board
are just that: slimey tactics.
Somewhere in his car wreck of a mind
he must know, however, it would take
the jaws of life to pry it out of him.
I'm still waiting for Sammy to put down the
sandwich long enough and do mine. *Sigh*
maybe I'm not good enough. GASP! Is
there an in-crowd at work here? A bunch
of elitists? Only reubair is good enough to
get his percentages for the month tabulated?
DONE TOO!!!!!!!!! Come on Sammy,
February is a short month!!!!! It's all in the archives!
As far as the over fed, paranoid, and terminally
psychotic messurai ie: TheHumanBaboon
(Sammy) is concerned, having him as a friend is
nothing to brag about. Infact if I were you...I'd be
very, very wary, you silly boy!
A lot of ranting and ravings by you, Sam.
You are fun that way
So was that sandwich I hid earlier. You Sam,
found it and ate it! I left a sign on it clearly
stating it was MINE, but, noooooooo...Sammy
just had to eat it. GREEDY
You're the melodramatic, paranoid, truth twisting,
festering boil on the ass of the Duh'minion you've
always been, but like it's been're
fun that way
The Dead Outkast
You have now won first prize in being as
rock stupid as a dead rat.
Misc. Morons
I laugh my ass off <I bet it's a big one!!>
HIbitch-slappingKEEBA <Oh now that's tough talk from a tough
'little mommie'. I love you too, sweetheart.>
Such a foul mouth little mommie! Getting a little mad there, mommie? Take a chill pill and call your shrink
in the morning, doll. Meanwhile, I am laughing at you.
the unfortunate result of two siblings who couldn't
keep their skivvies up, and thusly mated with each
other. However, as limited as protest's intellect is
(and using him/herself as an example) s/he provides
a classic example of what happens when close
relatives breed.
Sad actually.
Can't imagine where this crapurai came from!
Look dick-weed, it *is* true that imitation is the
highest form of flattery! However, the imitation
needs to be done well. This imitation is not done
When I think of JoeDon, I feel dirty. When I feel dirty, I don't think of eating. When I think of eating, then--
if I think of the great
greasy wonder JoeDon, the cycle begins again!
Big buttery moon!
Booey's Cat
My cat poops in a box only when he feels like it.
My cat is a naughty cat
Nike Melson
Either you're brain dead stupid or you're
trying to fool everyone. Right now I'm
voting for both.
Mistypieholewankerboy just sexually assaulted
all of us!!!!!
He said--->"FUCK OFF!"<---That's clearly
a sexual assault people!
He's gone from threatening us, to all out assaults! We need to be protected
from him. He can't be
allowed to run amuck on this board sexually
assaulting MINORS and the rest of us anymore!!
Sideshow Bob
What the hellurai is your problem, piss bucket?
Gypsy's Twat
GypsyTwat you runny pile of rectal slime, from what
shit wagan did you fall from? Did you fail world
history or are you just that brain dead stupid? I'm betting on both!
Bonnie Hammer
can't say Bonnie Hammer sucks green
monkey lice any longer even if it's true
And I hate comma's too, so screw
them while we're at it!!!!!
DR. Phil
Don't know who that is. But I'm going
to say he's a commie.
When I think of you Tork, I generally do
not think of you in a flirty white dress while
singing to your computer. I instead, picture
you wearing a filthy white dress actually,
and causually humming a bit. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Basically, you have to view this board
like a beautiful English meadow, ie: you'll
occasionally step in a pile of sheep's compost.
What ever he is, he's still an annoying little
time wasting twerp.
You are now as you have always been, a
worm infested pile of rotting pig's compost.
The kind of nasty pig's compost that's so bad,
that it sullies the very nature of the board.
Completing that with a unfortunate reminder,
that we just can't seem to get away from, no
matter how hard we try. It's always there yelling,
screaming, throwing a BIG hissy fit, threatening,
cursing, begging for our collective attention and
hoping against all sane hope, that we eventually
step in it
Are you really that dense?
Mistyboy, you stupid little petty piece of rotting
You wasted a board to do this??!! Come on
Mistyboy, you know you can be flamed anywhere,
you moron. In other words idiot, a special board
created for flaming, wasn't needed.
...verminous body waste.
You are an attention whore. You know it and I know it.
If anyone else doesn't know it yet, then they will soon
find out.
Do me a favour and shut your stupid, insipid, greasy, little
slash of a cakehole potty mouth.
Don't speak to me about religion, especially after what you
wrote here on this board during and after the terrorist attacks.
Bite me.
You post so much, but say so little. Unless of course,
cursing is all you have to say. Blah, you bore me
MistyMoronboy. Besides, I already knew all of
those words.
From what I see you're a waste of time and space,
and you post to much nonsense. I don't like you.
Go away.
You simple minded miserable little bastard
I don't have a girl friend! No body said happy fucking
valentines day to me and now I gotta run and tell the
MST message board members, oink waaahhhhh
scoobie doo!!!!!!!!!!
Go away and go to hell, you silly git.
Go the hell away Mistybrat! I like that, it has a nice ring
to it!!
Right there Mistybratassholery. You've just admitted
most of what you've written, has been nothing but
worthless pointless crap. Unfortunetly this post too,
falls under the catagory of worthless pointless crap.
Once again you runny pile of attention seeking goat's
compost, you've manage to waste a post. Another
wasted post all saying the same bloody stupid thing...
"look at me!" Yes! LOOK AT ME!
I'M MISTYPIEHOLEASS!! (Not that I'm doing anything
of any relevance, but look at me anyway, please? Pretty
please? I'm Mistypiehole!)
Oh just bite me and go the hell away.
Piss off, wanker
I don't like you, you simple minded post wasting attention
whoring pile of bloated hog's compost.
Mistybratgit you're like a rotting squirrel corpse on the vast
fruited plains of this board. You are a festering hellhole of
tedious stupidity, post wasting, and juvenile vulgarity. You
don't do anyone any good. You're not a "Hell of a poster",
on a message board, you're the Hell OF the message board.
Now, dissect the corpse bit by bit, and it eventually
disappears completely. I hope you disappear completely off
this board.
Bite me, you toad's ass.
The nasty giant POISONOUS spider might do us all a favour
and eat Mistybrat afterwards!!
You're blaming your crappy wasteful and stupid postings, your
attention whoring, your temper tantrums, and nasty attitude on
reubair? Reubair MADE you do that!? Hot damn and shazam!
Reubair has that sort of power? Who are you kidding fool?
What about your very own PERSONAL responsibility for your
actions, you dumb ass git? Are you going to blame me next for
your bed wetting habits? I certainly wouldn't want reubair to get
all the credit for YOUR mess that YOU'VE created!!!
Hells bells and slippery slopes you fool, get the hell
off this board
before you REALLY piss me off and MAKE me flame your pimply
ass! Using YOUR logic, I won't be held accountable if I tell you
what a complete and total waste of toad's shit you are, you little
sheep shagging wanker!!
What's your excuse TPFKAM for all the stupid
wasted attention whoring lame posts you've made
here, you runny pile of crap?
Living in a dream world again, aren't you Mistybratwanker!?
Didn't your parents have that talk with you yet?
Did they also talk about what is and what isn't sexual assault?
Did you listen? I know you're stupid, but are you crazy as well?
Look dude, I know you want me, but you can't have me!! Sorry wally, but I'm taken!
Now report *that* you bloody silly WANKER!
You're a skank and an idiot, but most of all you're a WANKER! Piss off, bug off, and pox on you, you skanky wanker.
Acting like you're four feet from crazy, two feet from stupid here,
then meanwhile putting your personal problems on a message
board devoted to a comedy show and expecting anyone to
give a shagging sheeps ass. Right-o Wanker.
What part of "Mistyboy is a wanker" don't you get, you wanker??
I mean come on dude, etiquette is what's
holding me back from telling you exactly
what sort of asshole I think you are!
You know, I don't know you well enough
to dislike you, but from what I see here...
you do strike me as bit of an ass.
It took you ten months to figure that out? Are you dead stupid? Having a hard time walking and breathing at the same
time? Even someone with your limited intellectual ability should have deciphered the alphabet in less than ten months,
you simple ass!
Advice: Spend less time trying to figure out how to drill a peep hole in the school's loo and spend
more time studying. (You know the peep hole, the one where you'd love to spend all your worthless hours starring in frustration
at the occupants therein, as opposed to learning your ABC's.) If you stop now you may eventually (and with a lot of hard work)
get lucky enough to figure the alphabet out. Next... if you're a really really good boy, some nice person may teach you
how to read.
Damn. Stupid people suck and they can't even do that well!
The Torgos
The person will soon get bored and leave. Probably as soon as he\she gets his\her finger out of his\her nose. Or his\her
ass. Maybe both.
Righthanded People
I will fuss about being left handed, in a right handed world.
Those righties think they own us,
because we're different.
Well I say fair play for us lefties! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ManMan has a mean pitching arm.
He always manages to strike me out,
every time I'm batting. I think it's because
I'm a lefty and he is secretly "lefty bashing".
It would of course, have nothing to do with
my skill level!!!
clueless dick!
Hell NO! She never puts the loo's seat down
and she snoops through our stuff. Plus, she
welcomed Poke in on the Duh'minion.