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The Real Mickey T. Gardener

Played by Alex Nicol in the 1958 b movie classic "The Screaming Skull" (Which he also directed), Mickey the Gardener is a shining example of mankind.  He works hard for little pay and hardly complains.  Salud, Mickey!!!!!!

Free Coffins if You Die of Fright
How can you beat a deal like that?

Eric: Bad Mickey! Always wear your pants!
He's so misunderstood
Mickey: Awww! But it's Monday!

Mickey: Marion, why did you leave me? You said...
She's dead!  Get over it!
Marion: Ugh. Are you still going on about that?

Hey hey....boo!!!!
Avon soon realized Skully made a bad salesman
Nah, I'm just kidding, you're alright!

The Screaming Skull is episode 12 of season 9 of the classic show Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Here's some classic Mickey related riffs from the episode:
"Hey....Clapton....look"  Crow upon first Mickey sighting
"Hey, it's Mickey....and he's wearing pants today"
"Mickey, the wide awake nightmare." - Crow
"GET A BOX!" - Crow, as Mickey fumbles with pots
"Time to rotate the hostages"
"Da nuh...Mickey's theme...Da nuh...Mickey's theme"
"Should I consider that my employee review?" - Servo as Mickey after getting smacked around.

Sadly, this isn't a riff, it's a real actual line from the movie:
"He's kept it up for two years I've been away"

The Screaming Skull episode of MST3K also features the Gumby adventure, Robot Rumpus (Or Robot Rump,,,you know, if you're into that sort of thing)

I'm a soulless tool of Satan
Fallen teen idol  Gumby
And I'm not wearing pants!!!!

Alex Nicol.  Tonight on Biography
b.  Jan. 20, 1916 Ossining NY
d.  July 29, 2001  Montecito, CA
Carrer Highlights
Directed episodes of "The Wild Wild West"
Co Starred With Ronald Reagan in "Law & Order"
Guest starred in episodes of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents...", "The Outer Limits", and "The Twilight Zone"

Gardener vs. Gardener
"Being There" is a classic satire starring the legendary Peter Sellers.  He was nominated for an Academy Award  (And Richard Basehart's in it!), but wait a minute, something's not on the level here.  Check out these interesting similarities:
Chance                                                        Mickey
Mentally Challenged Gardener            Mentally Challenged Gardener
Never left the house                             Probably never left the house
Mistakenly fell into politics                  Thought to have killed people
Love interset was Shirley Maclaine.        Bosses wife was nuts.                
More to come........
This is done for strictly humorous results.  Mickey T, Gardener is not trying to besmirch Peter Sellers or his legacy in any way.                                         

The Screaming Skull and Mickey the Gardener are (c) American International Pictures
Mickey T. Gardener, Peter Sellers, Ronald Reagan, and Alex Nicol are (c) their respective parents.
MST3K is © Best Brains Inc.  The Best Brains in the Buisness!!!!
This portion of the website brought to you by Screaming Skull coffins....Screaming Skull coffins, our competitors are dying to meet our prices!