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W sure is taking a lot of heat for his "Bring 'em on" comments to the Iraqi militants, but in an MHOP exclusive, we've learned that Bush didn't stop at "Bring 'em on". Here are the other things he said:

1). "Step up, bitch"

2). "You want some....WELL COME GET SOME!!!"

3). "Mmm...mmm, Oh no you just didn't"

4). "My daddy can beat you up!"

5). "Blah!"

6). "Do you feel lucky? Well, do you...punk?"

7). "Talk to the hand"

8). "Iraqi women have small thingies"

9). "We'll hurt you!"

10). "I just slept with Saddam's tenth wife!"
(Special thanks to Dumbschmoe for the following!!!)
W Also kicked it old school!  Word!
He told the Iraqis that he'd stir fry them in his wok.

And also to talk to the fist cuz the hand is pissed!

Finally, he looked right in the camera and told the world:
Mama said knock you out! I'm gonna knock out.

Don't call this a comeback, I've been here for years!

Peace, I'm out. 5000, y'all! 5000.

George W. Bush is college edjukatid.  Frightening, isn't it?
Dumbschmoe is (c) whenever wurwolf let's him use the computer.