Because of increase of terrorist threat, the Homeland Security department has decided to become really
specific when it comes to the "color alert" system. Here now, is a look at the
colors that will be popping up beside the familliar green, blue, yellow, orange, and red.
Violet-Mistyboy's wasted a post on the Duh
turquoise-Kevin Costner's directed a new movie
chartreuse-No toilet paper in the stall at Taco Bell
goldenrod: New season of the Anna Nicole Smith show starting
grey: Panda rape episode of Simpsons about to be rerun
indigo-Lilith Fair's coming to town
pink-Steak not cooked all the way. Don't eat.
fuscia: Attack already happened and no one was prepared because
the homeland security department spent too much time on this color thing.
Current Status: Plaid-Mickey does new Sunday Funnies.