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Excerpts from Saddam Hussein's Weapons Declaration
Page 1: We do not have weapons of mass destruction. We are not developing nuclear warheads, chemical and biological weapons,
or Carrot Top movies.
Page 13: We apologize for the Kuwait invasion. It seemed like a good idea at the time. My bad
Page 25: No we don't know where Osama is. Stop calling us.
Page 57: Yes, the reports are true. Saddam cries whenever Brian's Song is on.
Page 79: So damn Insane....we love that!
Page 88: All Saddam wants is a post in the I Hate Dawn Club....is that too much to ask?
Page 100: OK, they're not going to read the rest.
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
All work and no play make Saddam a dull boy
Page 1,096: Do you think they'll buy it? ....suckers