Ten Reasons Condeleeza Rice is the new Secretary of State
1. Thanks to her unique name, it's the only thing Bush has learned to pronounce in 4 years
2. Bush thought it was the sassy bitch from the first season of the Apprentice. Always thinking of ratings.
3. Triple word score on the "Secretary of State" Scrabble
4. Gives Bush his chance to author his highly racist anonymous webcomic, The Adventures of Black Female Republican LadyŠ!!!!!
5. She is America's favorite side dish
6. Easy. They want Janet Jackson to play her on more eps of SNL and flash more booby
7. She made Bush a sandwich
8. Acid
9. It's really a very elaborate episode of Punk'D. Shhhhh.....Don't tell her.
10. Not enough Condeleezas!