Taboo (2002)
/a starts the movie Taboo. It's only 81 minutes long?
Starts off, Amber Benson is drunk and reading the definition
of the word Taboo.
Amber's boyfriend is teh kid from Carnivale.
Amber says she'd have sex for money because
it's......... TABOO!
Actually she and her drunk friends are answering secret cards on which are questions about taboo
activities. The movie might be trying to trick us because we don't know who answered what question.
American Pie kid
aka The guy who did Stiflers mom is in this too.
Carnivale Kid is too stuck up for the game.
He reads the card
that sayshe'd have sex with a relative.
Now it's New Years. Amber is very drunk..... and her name is Piper?
who did Stifler's Mom, GWDSM is an angry jew.
Amber is a drunk ho.
GWDSM is named Adam.
Okay, it's been
a year since they played Taboo and carnivale guy is having them all over at his house (New Years) and he gets a package in
the mail with paper inside reading all the names that you would call someone if they engaged in the taboo activites.
snooty chick is updet by the cards.
Adam traps snooty chick in basement
Adam admits he's "The Rapist."
had sex with a 14 year old. She blackmailed him. Snooty chick kicks him in the boy bits!
And now snooty girl is telling
the others what Adam did.
They don't believe her.
Now Adam is naked and dead.
Carnivale guy and snooty
girl want to act like Adam isn't dead so they can go on with the party.
Amber accuses one of the guys of being gay,
like the card says.
This movie is so sureal. Surreal or badly written
Amber is teh "Infidel" who had a threesome.
guy had been electrocuted!
Now Amber is alone with snooty girl and will hopefully die next.
Yep! She's dead
in a pool of blood! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Looks like she was shot. Ooooooooooh!
Who wrote this and thought they had
cinema gold?
Snooty chick was blackmailing them all.
Damn! Amber is alive!
She was faking it.
a ho! The gay guy and Adam are trying to have sex with Amber!
Amber is getting all sexed up and barking.
guy is getting it on with snooty girl.... whoturns out to be his sister
This is bad movie!
Adam is dead.
is in the shower!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay! She's really dead now! Carnivale guy bashed her head in while she was in
the shower
LOL!!! I'm glad I wasn't alone in there. It was getting pretty upsetting for me. I left out some stuff. Between, "This
is a bad movie" and "Adam is dead" I didn't have the heart to type out" "Amber is having lots of very wrong sex with 'Adam',"
"Now she's in the shower calling out for 'Adam' to bring her a towel." *cries softly* At least her death, when it wasn't "Adam"
bringing her a towel, only a guy wanting to bash her head in, was a nice touch.