1. 10/22/2001-GWB doesn't wet his bed for the first time.
2. 9/1/2003-Completes first Waldo book, declares he can read
3. 7/25/2001-Makes Peanut Butter and Jelly Bean Sandwich for own lunch.
4. 2/13/2002-Dresses himself for first time (No one has courage to tell him pants are backwards)
5. 8/17/2002-Doesn't wet his bed for second time.
6. 12/12/2001-Finds all three clues before Steve does.
7. 11/29/2003-Jenna gives Dad "The Talk" (The President is overheard saying "Icky!!!")
8. 1/2/2004-Giggles uncontrollably when he hears about a Democratic Caucus.
9. 9/12/2001-In televised speech, calls Osama Bin Ladin "A Very Stinky Bad Man"
10. 3/4/2003-Completes potty training