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Ten Other Things Dumb TV Blonde Jessica Simpson Believes:
1).  Santa Claus is Jesus' evil twin brother
2).  The 2004 Devil Rays will win the World Series
3).  That this song is about her.
4).  Coligen's fun!
5).  The 2004 Devil Rays will win the Stanley Cup.
6).  That all purple dinasours are cuddly, like Barney and Dino!
7).  Osama Bin Laden is Gargamel from the Smurfs wearing a fake beard.
8).  The 2004 Devil Rays will win the World Series in 2005.
9).  PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Aminals!
10).  That she isn't an entertainment industry hanger on, and she's WAAAAAY more popular than Britney!