Anchor: Welcome back to ESPNews...we're awaiting a live press conference from Cleveland Cavaliers rookie sensation LeBron
James. He's stepping up to the podium now...let's listen in!
LeBron: Thank you....thank you....I'm glad you could all be here. It's been quite a week this week, my first week in the
NBA. It sucks that I've lost every game so far, but you know, things will turn around fo sho. I...
Anchor: Sorry to interrupt but we have breaking news in the Kobe Bryant case, let's go live to Kobe's lawyer.
Lawyer: ....that my client still insists his innocence and...
LeBron: excuse me, I was talking here!
Lawyer: You were? I didn't notice....
LeBron: Yeah, so...
Tiger Woods: Hey, I did something to. When are we gonna get to my turn?
LeBron & Lawyer: Shutup!!!
Lawyer: Look, your team sucks, my clients team rocks.
LeBron: You wouldn't say that if I was standing right there.
Lawyer: Whatever...I got to use the can anyway....
LeBron: Finally! As I was saying, it's been a tough week, and...
Anchor: Breaking news into the ESPN Newsroom...Yankees owner George Steinbrennar has fired manager Joe Torre and replaced
him....with a cow....What????
Lord_KFB_Cow: I'moo very happy to be the new mooanager of the...
LeBron: Oh geez....
Lord_KFB_Cow: You have a problemoo, mooron??
LeBron: I can't believe this
Lawyer: Oh, is he still at it?
Lord_KFB_Cow: Yeah...what's his damooge?
Lawyer: Tell me about it...
Tiger: I made you all sandwiches!
Lawyer: Cool!
Lord_KFB_Cow: No roast beef, please
Tiger: Ham?
Lord_KFB_Cow: No thanks, I'm Jewish
Lita: Really? I didn't know that!
Lawyer: I thought you were Jewish, Tiger
Tiger: Oh 1/27th or some crap like that...
LeBron: Will you people shutup!!!
Lord_KFB_Cow: HEY!!!
LeBron: And the Cow!
Lawyer: Someone's jealous he's not the center of attention around here...
Anchor: Can I have the ham?
Kobe Bryant: Hey, are they still buying my innoce...hey, sandwiches!!!
LeBron: I'm just gonna go shoot myself......
Kobe: Pass the salt!!!