Mystery BBoard Theater 3000 presents
and 2 LAPD Cops
Chase for the stash"
A Loose Change Production
(scence opens, At the gate of Mickey's back yard 2 cops are
trying to break down the door)
Cop 1: Okay this is the LAPD come out with you hands out
Cop 2: Yeah we know
you growing it and were not talking about flowers
(Mickey The Gardener)
Mickey: Uhh okay okay, can i least
say goodbye to my potato patch
Cop 1: Okay but hurry
(Mickey leaves while the cops wait there you can here
the sound of a car speeding away.)
Cop 2: Come on it's almost our break time
(Scence cuts to a speeding car
showing mickey with a sack and a gun pointing at Pokejedservo's head)
Mickey: Sorry i have to do this but i gotta
get out of here
Poke: What's in the sack
(Mickey whipers it into his ear)
Poke: Ahh dammit why today,
where's that hobo with a stick when you need him
(hobo pops up from the backseat)
Hobo: Im right here!!!
(Poke crashes right into a lamp post)
(Later on.........)
Cop 1:(sniffing) Yep this is hash
Cop 2: Hash BROWNS that is hahahah
Cop 1: I don't care what they say Denny's is better than i hop
2: And plus they got George and Weezy doing their commercial, can't go wrong with that.
Cop 1: Glad we caught that
Cop 2: Yep, if we didn't convesate that sack of tomatoes there wold have been killer ones all over the street
Cop 1: Yeah that movie scared the whole police force, im telling you i'll never eat a tomato again. Uhh can i get
some ketchup over here, i love wit my hash browns.
(Scence cuts to a picture of Mickey)
Narrator: Mickey The
Gardner was convicted of possesion of Tomatos that might have commited attemped murder he is now doing time in a minimum security
(picture PokeJedServo)
Narrator: Pokejedservo was charged with being in the wrong place at the wrong
time and spent 2 minutes before being parrolled
Note: No lamp post were harmed in the making of this episode