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The Adventures of Dipshit Turdknocker, Private Dick
(Written by Mickey T. Gardener 6/9/02)
It was a dark and stormy night. I had just finished my third box of twinkies when she walked in. I knew she was trouble from the very beginning. A sexual harrasment case from the very beginning. She told me her sob story, her husband had left her. Frankly, I was glad he was gone. He was a rotting squirrel corpse out to get me and flame me at every turn I made. But I agreed to take the case. I turned off my Hanson cd and I was off.

My first step was, as always, a stop at the office of my (very)close associate Dick Barfurai. Through his countless files (Which he claims not to have, but only *I* know the truth), we were able to track down his last known location. The caves of Afghanastan. I was on my way. Dick told me to be careful. I told him not to worry, I had connections there.

As I arrived at what was left of the airport, I found myself surrounded by guns. Apparently, I wasn't welcome here, either. As they danced around me, singing the words "Mistyboy's an Idiot" (Some strange tribal custom song, I imagine(, it became clear that my time was almost up. Thinking quickly, I proposed a truce. I'll leave for a month, if they give me information on the whereabouts of her husband. They did exactly what I wanted, but I left alternate reality versions of myself as spies to monitor what was going on. Oh, and I lied, I came back a week later, accusing them of not giving me the information I wanted (But that's another adventure).

The information I was given turned out to be false, instead of finding a missing husband, I found an angry mandwarf waving a pair of scissors wildly. I died instantly.


The woman found her husband and they lived happily ever after.

Dick Barfurai was making wedding plans when a piano fell on his head.

Hanson (Thankfully) drifted further into musical oblivion.

Scissorman continued to frighten unsuspecting video game players everywhere.

I continued to be dead.

The end,

The proceeding events weren' t true, but wouldn't they be awesome if they were? Only the names (Except Hanson) had been changed to protect the guilty.

In the immortal words of Space Ghost "The little one looks like Claudia Shiffer"