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Spifferaffic New Non TftD Stuff from Mickey!
Updated every Sunday....if you're lucky
Coming to CBS in February......
Outcute, Outfingerpaint, Outwhine
And now, an exciting sneak preview!
Day 1
Billy:  Mr.  Goats?
Host:  That's Probst, Billy.
Billy:  Ghosts?  I'm ascared of ghosts, Mr. Ghost.  I like goats better.
Day 3:
Sarah:  I voted out Joshua because he smells like soap and I don't like soap.
Day 5:
Host:  OK, Survivors!  Are you ready for today's immunity challenge?
Kids:  (Look confused)
Host:  Nevermind
Billy:  Mr Toast?  Can I get a drink of water?
Day 9
Sarah:  Mandy took my paste and I was going to eat that paste.  That meanie!
Day 17
Brittany:  Hey!  Sarah took the blue car!  I wanted the blue car!  And she took it!  Little Miss Drama Queen, you're suppos to shared!
Sarah:  Well, I'm not sorry!  Hmph!  (/a sticks her tongue out)
Brittany:  You made a powderedful enmeny today.
Billy:  Mr Soap, I need to go potty!
Catch the excitement coming to CBS!!!!  America's most watched network....for this week!
