Mickey's House of Pants
Chase for the Stash
That One Page No One Cares About
The MHOP Attic
Ten Things
Mickey's Classic Comedy Gold
TftD Episode Capsules
The King Boodozer Insult Index
On the Aisle!
I Hate Dawn Homepage
The Real Mickey T. Gardener

Mystery BBoard Theater 3000 presents


and 2 LAPD Cops


"The Chase for the stash"

A Loose Change Production

(scence opens, At the gate of Mickey's back yard 2 cops are trying to break down the door)

Cop 1: Okay this is the LAPD come out with you hands out

Cop 2: Yeah we know you growing it and were not talking about flowers

(Mickey The Gardener)

Mickey: Uhh okay okay, can i least say goodbye to my potato patch

Cop 1: Okay but hurry

(Mickey leaves while the cops wait there you can here the sound of a car speeding away.)

Cop 2: Come on it's almost our break time

(Scence cuts to a speeding car showing mickey with a sack and a gun pointing at Pokejedservo's head)

Mickey: Sorry i have to do this but i gotta get out of here

Poke: What's in the sack

(Mickey whipers it into his ear)

Poke: Ahh dammit why today, where's that hobo with a stick when you need him

(hobo pops up from the backseat)

Hobo: Im right here!!!

Poke: AHHHH!!!

(Poke crashes right into a lamp post)

(Later on.........)

Cop 1:(sniffing) Yep this is hash

Cop 2: Hash BROWNS that is hahahah

Cop 1: I don't care what they say Denny's is better than i hop

Cop 2: And plus they got George and Weezy doing their commercial, can't go wrong with that.

Cop 1: Glad we caught that guy

Cop 2: Yep, if we didn't convesate that sack of tomatoes there wold have been killer ones all over the street

Cop 1: Yeah that movie scared the whole police force, im telling you i'll never eat a tomato again. Uhh can i get some ketchup over here, i love wit my hash browns.

(Scence cuts to a picture of Mickey)

Narrator: Mickey The Gardner was convicted of possesion of Tomatos that might have commited attemped murder he is now doing time in a minimum security prison

(picture PokeJedServo)

Narrator: Pokejedservo was charged with being in the wrong place at the wrong time and spent 2 minutes before being parrolled


Note: No lamp post were harmed in the making of this episode